
One of the most common questions we receive from Luminate Online users is, “How do I go about updating the hero image on my TeamRaiser event?” Mastering this little trick is the entry way into learning the language of Luminate Online.

Updating TeamRaiser hero image

The Short Answer

  1. On your local computer, resize your image(s) to 1050 x 500 pixels
  2. Rename your image files slide-[1, 2, or 3][TeamRaiser ID].jpg  (this is very important!)

    Example file name




    *You can have up to 4 slider images per event

  3. Upload your resized and properly named image to the Luminate Online library
  4. Navigate to your TeamRaiser homepage where your new image will appear in the order you defined in the file name (step 2)

Expert tip: Select images that look good on smaller screens. And after you upload your new hero images, double check that they’re mobile friendly by going to the TeamRaiser event from your mobile phone or tablet.

The Technical Details (How it Works)

The TeamRaiser hero slider is powered through a reusable PageBuilder page. If you search PageBuilder, you’ll find a page that begins with the name reus_Teamraiser_slideshow. Within that page code are references to four slides and an S-80 tag that look like this:

<div class=”item active”> 

<img src=”../images/content/pagebuilder/slide-1[[S80:trID]].jpg”> 



<div class=”item “> 

<img src=”../images/content/pagebuilder/slide-2[[S80:trID]].jpg”> 



<div class=”item “> 

<img src=”../images/content/pagebuilder/slide-3[[S80:trID]].jpg”> 



<div class=”item “> 

<img src=”../images/content/pagebuilder/slide-4[[S80:trID]].jpg”> 


The S-80 tag pulls in the TeamRaiser ID to the image reference. This allows the image you uploaded to automatically connect to the TeamRaiser ID you used in the file name.

Why It’s Important

Just like other donor-facing platforms such as your website and social media pages, you want your TeamRaiser event to attract and engage viewers. What better way to start off than with a great hero image? And as a fundraising professional, you know the importance of resourcefulness all too well. Your technology is no different! Understanding your technology and honing your skills to use it effectively is a critical success factor. Want to become a Luminate Online expert? Stay tuned for more helpful tips and tricks to master Luminate Online.

Want to learn more about Luminate Online?

Margaret is a digital strategy expert with exceptional knowledge in nonprofit management and organizational development. She is adept at helping clients with project planning, strategic campaign development, and software system selections.

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