
Ever wanted to add a custom field to Blackbaud CRM and make it look like it’s part of the standard, styled functionality?

This is something that can be easily achieved using the Blackbaud SDK.

Recently, I was talking with a client that wanted to see the prospect manager’s name next to the lookup ID in the constituent summary view form of Blackbaud CRM.

I realized that setting this up for them would provide the perfect opportunity to walk folks through this process, so that’s exactly what we’re going to do today.

In this Blackbaud SDK tutorial, you’ll learn how to:

  • Add a custom field to the constituent summary view form
  • Handle Blackbaud’s caching
  • Give users a seamless experience when interacting with the out of box forms
  • Use JavaScript with Blackbaud CRM

Zuri Group: Custom Views Using the Blackbaud SDK


We’ve also gone ahead and packaged up this solution for you, and you can find that free download on our CRM tools page.

Chris is a senior software developer specializing in the Infinity CRM and BBIS space. He has over a decade of experience working for nonprofit organizations around the world and is well-versed in development operations, SDK training, and technical architecture. 

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